
In the midst of the late 1950s and early 1960s, the book unfurls a poignant saga and presents a tale of young Jerry More and his father. Amidst the echoes of an era marked by riotous change, Jerry finds himself struggling with challenges that go beyond the ordinary bounds of childhood. Enduring the bitter aftermath of divorced parents, Jerry confronts the shadows of physical and mental abuse, navigating the treacherous waters of a nomadic lifestyle and wrestling with the cruel embrace of abject poverty.

At the heart of Jerry’s troubles stands his father, a soul scarred by the horrors of World War II. Yet, his spirit is drowned in the depths of chronic alcoholism, rendering each endeavor for stability futile. Through the lens of this dysfunctional yet profoundly human relationship, this nonfiction book explores the raw wounds of trauma. It delves into the complexities of family, painting a stark picture of racial prejudice and religious confusion that looms over Jerry’s young life.

In this tale of determination and awakening, Jerry embarks on a journey, a journey that compels him to confront the stark realities of his existence. Each step, each moment of pain, propels him toward an unyielding realization: the mantle of survival rests squarely upon his young shoulders. It is in this crucible of adversity that Jerry metamorphoses, shedding the innocence of boyhood to embrace the harsh truths of adulthood.

The Boy” isn’t merely a story; it’s a profound exploration of the human spirit’s tenacity in the face of despair. It stands as a tribute to the power of the human will and the unyielding strength found within the depths of the soul. As you delve into this evocative tale, you’ll find echoes of life’s harshest realities juxtaposed with glimmers of hope and resilience.

This life-changing journey is not just a story; it’s a mirror reflecting the universal struggles of humanity. D. Larry Gregg masterfully captures the essence of existence, delivering a tale that resonates with the depth and complexity of the human experience.

This is more than a book; it’s a profound exploration of life, love, and the strong spirit within us all. Dive into this gripping story and witness the extraordinary evolution of a young soul as he goes beyond the confines of his circumstances, leaving an indelible mark on your heart and soul.


Timotheus – Dearly Beloved Son, drawing upon the content of the New Testament and the author’s knowledge of the cultural history of the 1st century C.E. Roman World, traces the life and career of Saint Paul’s close companion Timothy from boyhood through his career as the early Christian bishop of Ephesus. Though a work of fiction, the author has accurately reflected the setting in which this story unfolds. 

Dr. D. Larry Gregg is the author of five previously published books and numerous articles in various periodicals including the Biblical Illustrator, Mature Years, America, and The Lion. He is the author of several articles in the Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000) on topics in Theology, Church History, Archaeology, and Biblical Backgrounds. In early 2022 Covenant Books published his Random Musings of a Contented Old Man, a collection of devotional reflections.


Drawing upon his broad range of experience in the local church, academic classroom, and direct engagement with the larger world, the author reflects devotionally upon contemporary Christian living. Creatively using the tools of life experience, natural surroundings, biblical texts, humorous anecdotes, and prayer, he challenges the reader to stretch his/her imagination and deepen their sensitivity to the “still, small voice” of God. 

Dr. D. Larry Gregg is the author of four previously published books and numerous articles in various periodicals including the Biblical Illustrator, Mature Years, America, and The Lion. In addition, he is the author of several articles in the Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000) on topics in Theology, Church History, Archaeology, and Biblical Backgrounds. Soon his latest novel, Timotheus: Dearly Beloved Son, will be published by Covenant Books.

In Bowl Ecclesiology, D. Larry Gregg applies his years of studying the nature and significance of the Christian community — ecclesiology — to his experience as a woodworker, seeing the potential in flawed, broken pieces of wood to become beautiful, useful works of art. Though humans are not discarded wood and have a choice regarding their participation in God’s loving and redemptive purpose through Jesus Christ, Gregg mines both the craft of turning bowls and his decades of work in ministry and education to explore how God gathers up the “ugly fragments of sin, suffering, and social alienation so they might be transformed into a ‘new creation,’ redeemed and restored to its original place and purpose . . . .”

For centuries, the First Jewish War Against Rome (66-70 C.E.) and the subsequent fall of Masada has been synonymous with implacable courage against overwhelming odds. This is the story (unfolding in three volumes) of the courageous attempt of one determined man to live with integrity and die with honor. First century Romans, Jews, and Christians; the wise, the mad, the corrupt, and the saintly meet in this inspiring tale of intrigue, romance, warfare, and triumph.
